BT Summit, Bangalore – 2009

When I drove into the Tata Auditorium at IISc, Bangalore for the Business Technology Summit – my first reaction was “Oh! So many cars!”. Yes, it was a very well attended conference.

I have found that taking a statistics of the topics give a good way of gauging which way the technology wind is blowing. Here is my quick analysis.

  1. There were 6 tracks – SOA, Security, ECM BI, Cloud and Virtualization
  2. 23 of the 45 presentations were related to “Cloud Computing and Virtualization” – more than 50%
  3. SOA related sessions were only 6
  4. Similarly, BI related sessions were limited to only 5

This statistics maps nicely to Gartner emerging technology hype cycle – were “Cloud Computing” is the peak of its hype. However, what surprised me was the fact that there were no sessions on Google App Engine.

The level of participation in this conference and my experience in the airport next day were there was a long queue at the security check point leads me to believe that we are at the end of downturn – Indian IT scene will shortly start buzzing with activity and positive energy.

2 Responses to “BT Summit, Bangalore – 2009”

  1. Parveen Says:

    Dear Mr Banerjee,

    I was on of the attendee in your session there.
    “Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Using Open Source Products”

    I must say it was really good and I came to know about many new open source products,
    which can help many companies to build their portals (specially those which can’t afford expensive IT)

    Thanks for the nice session and sharing your ideas there.


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